THE ELECTION.—The Election for the borough of Petersfield took place on Friday, at the Town Hall. The usual preliminaries having been gone through, J. S. Waddington, Esq., of Langrish House, proposed, and J. S. Coryton, Esq., of Liss-place, seconded, Sir William Jolliffe, Bart., for the representation of the borough. No other candidate was proposed. The hon. baronet said that he was decidedly opposed to the admission of Jews into Parliament, and to the abolition of Church-rates, but not to substituting another mode, in lieu of the present, of levying them. He was also opposed to Mr. Locke King's motion on the County Franchise, but not to a further extension of the franchise based on what he might consider sound principles. He was also opposed to the views of Her Majesty’s Ministers on the China question. Education he would promote by local taxation.