Agent—Miss DUPLOCK.
THE LATE GALE.—The intense anxiety which pervaded so many thousands during the late storm, was felt by at least one family in this town. The barque Ambrosine, from London to New Zealand, Captain Albert Parsons (son of R. Parsons, Esq., Petersfield), was met by the gale in her passage down the Channel, and had a very severe struggle. She lost five sheets in the course of the night, the sea repeatedly beating right over her, deluging her decks and drenching the crew. The captain in a letter states that during 14 years’ experience, in the course of which he had seen much rough weather, and on one occasion suffered shipwreck, he had never before encountered such a storm. The crew behaved admirably on the occasion. She had 80 passengers on board. The gallant young captain never lay or sat down during 38 hours, and at length, on Wednesday morning, the vessel reached St. Helens, which she left at four in the afternoon of the same day to pursue her voyage, and we are quite sure her captain carried with him the best wishes of his fellow townsmen, both for his own sake and that of his highly-respected parents.