ANECDOTE.—It is well know, that when Sir Peter Parker’s fleet went out, they suffered much from bad weather and want of hands. Amongst these, the Carcase Bomb was in the most dreadful shattered situation; and having with difficulty got into Portsmouth harbour, a representation was put to the Admiralty Board, requesting an addition of some seamen. Five men were accordingly sent; but a short time before they sailed with Lord Howe’s squadron, when the fleet were all at Spithead, these men took an opportunity in the evening, with the ship’s boat made the shore, and deserted.
The Lieutenant of the Carcase (Mr. Stoddard, a gentleman late of this city) was thereupon sent with a party in quest of them; and after traversing the country for some miles, it was agreed to divide the party, and take different routes. By some accident the Lieutenant strayed from his company; and calling at a little cot, near Petersfield, saw the sailors he was in search of drinking in an adjoining room. As the men had not observed him, he had time to think on the means of securing them, but knew not how to accomplish his purpose, an old woman being the only inhabitant of the house: “But the men, said he, must be taken;” he, therefore, took a pistol in each hand, and boldly entered the room; one of them instantly made an attempt to seize him,—but a blow on the head laid him flat :—the rest were then told, that if the least resistance was offered, he would either shoot them or run them through, but that an immediate submission should save their lives. By a proper perseverance, he thus secured all the men, and being joined by his party, conveyed them again on board the Carcase; and on their being tried by a Court Martial, he obtained a mitigation of their sentence to twelve lashes each.