Duty Free.] Tithe Commission.—Notice.

     THE Tithe Commissioners for England and Wales HEREBY GIVE NOTICE, that a copy of the draft of apportionment of the rent-charge agreed to be paid in the lieu of Tithes of the TITHING of SHEET, in the Parish of Petersfield, in the County of Southampton, has been deposited at the Half Moon Inn, in the said Tithing, for the, inspection of all persons interested in the lands or tithes of the said Tithing. 

     And the Commissioners further give Notice, that,  pursuant to the act for the Commutation of Tithes, a  Meeting will be holden for the purpose of hearing any objections to the intended apportionment, by any persons interested as aforesaid ; and that such Meeting will be held at the Half Moon lnn, in the said Tithing, on Thursday, the 13th day of October, 1842, at Ten o'clock in the forenoon. 

Signed by order of the Board,
J. E. HOVENDEN, Secretary.

9, Somerset-place, Somerset-house, London. 

Duty Free.] Tithe Commission.—Notice.  

     THE Tithe Commissioners for England and Wales, HEREBY GIVE NOTICE, that a copy of the draft of apportionment of the rent-charge agreed to be paid in lieu of Tithes,  in the Parish of PETERSFIELD, (except the Tithing of Sheet), in the County of Southampton, has been deposited at the Dolphin Inn, in the said Parish, for the inspection of all persons interested in the lands or tithes of the said Parish. 

     And the Commissioners further give Notice,— That, pursuant to the Act for Commutation of Tithes, a Meeting will be holden for the purpose of hearing any objections to the intended apportionment, by any  persons interested as aforesaid ; and that such Meeting will be held at the Dolphin Inn, in the said parish, on Thursday, the 13th day of October, 1842, at two o'clock in the afternoon. 

Signed by order of the Board,
J. E. HOVENDEN. Secretary.

9, Somerset-place, Somerset-house, London. 

Duty Free.] Tithe Commission.— Notice.

     THE Tithe Commissioners for England and Wales HEREBY GIVE NOTICE, that a copy of the draft of apportionment of the rent charge agreed to be paid in the lieu of Tithes in the PARISH of CATHERINGTON in the County of Southampton, has been deposited at the Ship and Bell Inn, Horndean,  in the said parish, for the inspection of all persons interested in the lands or tithes of the said parish.

      And the Commissioners further give Notice, that pursuant to the Act for Commutation of Tithes, a Meeting will be holden for the purpose of hearing any objections to the intended apportionment by any person interested as aforesaid ; and that such Meeting will be held at the Ship and Bell Inn, in the said parish, on Friday, the 14th day of October, 1842, at ten o'clock in, the forenoon. 

Signed by order of the Board,
J. E. HOVENDEN. Secretary.

9, Somerset-place. Somerset-house, London. 

Duty Free] Tithe Commission.

     THE Tithe Commissioners for England and Wales, HEREBY GIVE NOTICE, that on the 14th day of October, 1842, they will proceed, either by themselves or by an Assistant Commissioner, to inquire into certain errors alleged to have been made in the AGREEMENT for the COMMUTATION of TITHES of the Parish of CATHERINGTON, in the County of Southampton, and confirmed by them on the 6th day of January, 1842, but which said Agreement they, the said Tithe Commissioners, would have declined to confirm had they been aware of such errors as aforesaid having been made ; and if satisfied that the same or any of them exist and ought to be rectified, they will then further proceed to make a separate Award, by way of supplement to the said Agreement, pursuant to the provisions of an Act, passed in the third year of the reign of her present Majesty, and intitled "An Act to explain and amend the Acts for the Commutation of Tithes in England and Wales ;" and they hereby give further notice, that the Meeting for this purpose will be holden at the Ship and Bell Inn, Horndean, in the said Parish, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of the day above mentioned, when all persons interested are desired to attend. 

Dated this 20th day of September, 1842.
By order of the Board.
J. E. HOVENDEN. Secretary.

Tithe Commission Office.