To be LET, from Michaelmas next, a capital stock FARM, in the occupation of Fielder King, Esq., known as Buriton Manor Farm, in the parish of Buriton, about two miles from the town of Petersfield, at which an old-established cattle market is held every fortnight. This farm has a superior residence, with all necessary home buildings and detached bartons and 20 labourers cottages The enclosed land comprises about 154 acres of good meadow and pasture, 360 acres of rich arable land, and 375 acres of kind turnip ground, with an extensive dry sheep pasture over 954 acres of down land, the whole of which belongs to this farm, except the right of a neighbouring estate to depasture 300 sheep thereon. The farm is in a ring fence, and is in a high state of cultivation.— For a view of the farm apply to Luke Gambrill, at Buriton; and for further particulars to Messrs. Dunn, Hopkins, Blackmore, and Carter, solicitors, Alresford, Hants.—Dec, 14, 1852.
(See also