Agent-Miss DUPLOCK.

     A VESTRY MEETING was held on Friday (yesterday)—for the purpose of appointing 2 overseers, 4 assessors and collectors, and surveyor of highway, for the ensuing year. R. G. P. Minty, Esq., was unanimously called to the chair. Messrs. Samuel Minchin and John Meeres were chosen overseers; Messrs. Williams, Targett, Holdaway, Alfred Colebrooke, Charles Chapman, and Joseph Cole were returned as assessors and collectors; and Mr. Owen Outridge was unanimously re-elected surveyor of highways. After the conclusion of the business for which the vestry had been specially called, the chairman drew the attention of the ratepayers to the state of the Hylton-road, leading from the Mint into the Spain. It will be remembered that about 4 years ago this road was cut through the Lawn and generally thrown open to the public by Sir William Jolliffe, who had been at considerable expense in forming it, but it appeared that up to the present time there had been no formal dedication as required by the Highway Act, and on this ground the surveyor declined to take to it or expend any portion of the rate upon it. The meeting seemed unanimous in their opinion that after the liberality which Sir William Jolliffe had shown in throwing open the road, and after the public had enjoyed the same for several years, it would be unreasonable to expect him to keep it in repair; but still, in the absence of a formal notice to the surveyor and a dedication pursuant to the Act, it seemed difficult to determine what could be done with it, and the matter dropped.