Agent—Miss DUPLOCK.

     VESTRY MEETING.—A vestry was held on Friday, (yesterday,) to take into consideration the expediency or otherwise of re-valuation of the parish, for the purpose of adjusting certain inequalities which are alleged to exist in the rating of property within the parish. The meeting was called by the Churchwardens, the Rev. J. M. Sumner, rector, in the chair. There was a large attendance of ratepayers. A resolution was unanimously passed, to the effect that it was not desirable to incur the expense of a re-valuation, but that whatever inequalities exist might rectified by a committee, acting in concert with the Churchwardens and Overseers. A committee of five was accordingly appointed, consisting of the following gentlemen:—J. Whicher, Esq., R. Parsons, Esq., H Atkinson, Esq., Mr. Andrew Aldridge, and Mr. Minchin.