Winchester and Petersfield Turnpike Road.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,—That there is now a Sum of £150 applicable to the Discharge of the Principal Moneys for the time being, due in respect of the principal Debts or Sums owing on the Credit of the Tolls of the above Road, and that the Trustees of the said Road win hold a Meeting on Friday the 27th day of May, 1859, at three o’clock in the afternoon, at the Fox Inn, Bramdean, to apply such Sum in the payment of a proportionate part of the said Principal Moneys; and all Creditors to whom such Principal Moneys are due, are hereby invited to transmit to the Clerk to the Trustees before such Meeting, sealed proposals in writing, specifying the lowest composition they are willing to accept in respect of the moneys due to them respectively, or such part thereof as the Trustees shall determine to discharge.—Dated this 22d day of April, 1859.
Clerk to the Trustees.