THE WINTER SHEEP FAIR. —took place on Monday, Dec. 11, when from 4,000 to 5,000 sheep and lambs were penned, and at the close not more than 500 were left unsold. Prices of lambs from 24s. to 34s. per head, and sheep from 30s. to 50s. per head. The supply was good, and the quality excellent.

     Our annual Great Market, before Christmas, took place on Wednesday last. when, we are pleased to say, the market, for quantity and quality, was never excelled. Amongst the graziers of the best beef we have to name Messrs. Ring, Parr, Seward, C. Chase, and although last but not least in estimation, were some choice Scots, grazed by Lady Featherstone. Good prices were realised, and altogether the market was considered first-rate.