YOUNG MEN’S IMPROVEMENT SOCIETY.—On Thursday last—Mr. Macfarland in the chair—a paper was read by Mr. Lee on ‟Tobacco; its use and abuse.” The opener’s remarks tended to show that a moderate use of tobacco was in itself harmless, and had the effect of soothing rather than being injurious. Upon this an animated discussion ensued, taken part in by Messrs. Wyatt, Robertson, Meeres, Privett, Graves, Carter, Outsell, Curtis, Neighbour, Killick, and the Chairman. The result of the debate to the non-tobacconists was a most satisfactory one. At the request of the opener, the Chairman put the subject to the meeting in the form of a question, which proved there to be a large majority who declared the use of tobacco to be decidedly injurious; while those more favourable to tobacco signified themselves to be perfectly neutral.