YOUNG MEN’S IMPROVEMENT SOCIETY. This Society has just closed its weekly meetings for the season, and on Wednesday evening last the members and a considerable number of their friends partook of supper in the Town-hall, the chair was filled by the Rev. J. M. Sumner, President of the Society, and supported by the Vice-President, the Rev. T. Field. The following toasts were given by the chairman and others, ‟The Queen,” ‟The Prince Consort, and the rest of the Royal Family,” ‟The Army and Navy,” ‟The Petersfield District Rifle Volunteer Corps,” ‟The Petersfield Young Men's Improvement Society,” ‟The Health of the Vice-President,” "The Members  who took part in the late Conversazione,” ‟The Honorary Members of the Society,"  ‟The Ladies,” ‟The Tradesmen of Petersfield,” ‟The Health of the Chairman,” and of ‟The late Secretary, Mr. G. Henson.” The following gentlemen addressed the company in the course of the evening, some on proposing and some on responding to the several toasts viz.: the Chairman, the Vice-Chairman, Finley, Mr. Privett, Secretary, Mr. F. Henson, Mr. Macfarland, H. Atkinson, Esq., Mr. Meeres, Mr. Boswell, Mr. W. Carter jun., Mr. Small, and Mr. G. Henson. Harmony and good-fellowship pervaded the meeting and the evening passed off most agreeably, shewing that the intellectual pursuits of the session had in no degree incapacitated our ‟young men” for the enjoyment of rational conviviality.