AT a MEETING of the COMMITTEE of CHEESEFACTORS, held at the White Horse Hotel, ROMSEY, on Monday, the 25th day of August, 1851, by adjournment from the Meeting held at WINCHESTER on the 1st instant,

Mr. WILLIAM CAREY, in the Chair,

     The Committee having further considered the intention expressed in the Resolutions of the Trade at Fareham on the 1st of July last, now unanimously confirm the same.

     They also resolve, that the requisite arrangements be forthwith made for the opening of the CHEESE MARKET at BISHOPSTOKE in February next.

     That Rules for the carrying on such Market be forthwith prepared and circulated generally amongst the Buyers and Sellers in the Trade.

     That the shares in the undertaking be fixed at £5 each, and that Subscriptions thereto be received, on completion of the requisite preliminary steps, for the formation of a Company to be designated the Bishopstoke Cheese Market Company.

Chairman of the Committee.

(See also