Present—The EX-MAYOR, W. GRUGGEN, and G. IRVING, Esqrs.

     THOMAS EDWINS, an inmate of the Workhouse, was brought up charged with insubordination, having absented himself from the house beyond the time leave had been given to him, and the dress he wore being the property of the Guardians. Prisoner at first pleaded guilty, but afterwards withdrew his plea, and stated that he obtained leave on Monday, and when out of the house heard that his brother at Liss, near Petersfield, was dying, and he went to see him.
(Brother may be Francis Edwin at Liss see 29-Sep-1834)

     Mr. Titchener, for the Guardians, said that prisoner had not until now made any statement, to account for his absence from Monday last to to-day. The tale he now told might be true, and he would consequently not press the charge (although this was not prisoner’s first offence), provided he promised to behave better in the house. Prisoner having given the required promise, he was discharged.