PETTY SESSIONS, Town Hall, 7th November.—Present: Sir J. C. Jervoise, M.P., Sir Wm. Knighton, Hon. J. J. Carnegie, J. H. Woddington, J. B. Carter, M.P., G. Forbes, R. Steel, J. Martenneau, Esqrs.
STEALING A SOVEREIGN.—Elizabeth Stillwell, of Bramshot, was charged by Susannah Fullick, for stealing one sovereign, her property. After several witnesses being examined, she was fully committed for trial at the next Quarter Sessions. She applied for bail, which was granted.
STEALING POTATOES.—Edward Small and George Lemmon, both under the age of fifteen, was charged by James Kemp, for stealing two gallons of potatoes, from the orchard of the Rev. C. Bratford, of Greatham. They preferred being tried by the bench, and the case being clearly proved, was sentenced to 14 days.
TRESPASS.— William Bone, of Horndean, appeared to an information laid by Henry Luff, gamekeeper to Sir J. C. Jervoise, M.P., for being in the day time on the 5th of November, inst., on certain land in the possession and occupation of James Goldsmith, there in search of game. The case being clearly proved and having been convicted before, was ordered to pay £2 and costs.
BRUTAL ASSAULT. —Timothy Chandler and Alfred Chandler, was brought up in custody for assaulting and beating a stone-mason, by the name of Banbury, now working at the new mansion, in the course of erection at Adhurst, for J. B. Carter, Esq., M.P. It appeared that Banbury was going from the Queen’s Head Inn, at Sheet, on Saturday night, when he was attacked by three men who brutally beated him and kicked him, and is now lying in a very dangerous state. From the information of other witnesses who assisted In the rescue of Banbury, the above named have been apprehended, and are remanded until the complainant is well enough to give evidence. It appears that Banbury was mistaken for another man, whom they had a quarrel with during the evening, near Petersfield. (See also 05-Dec-1857)
HIGHWAY ROBBERY AND ATTEMPT TO MURDER.—On Saturday night last, Mr. James Paice, of Wickham, was leaving a farm where he had been attending some horses, and was proceeding to his home near the village, when he was knocked down by a man with some blunt instrument, and then became insensible. After some time he recovered, and then found he had been dreadfully beaten and kicked about the body and face, also robbed of his watch and £1 13s. in silver. Information was immediately sent to the police, and a man by the name of Page, a blacksmith, was apprehended, and some blood and human hair was found on the toe of his boot, and there is but little doubt there will be a clear case made out against him from other evidence that can be produced. This is the second case of this kind that has happened near this village within the month.