During the early part of the present week a young woman, named Searle, living at Sheet, has been endeavouring to victimise the tradesmen of the town by obtaining goods under false pretences. She first visited the shop of Mrs. Cooke, butcher, and obtained a shoulder of mutton and some beefsteaks in the name of Mr. Holdaway, with whom, she stated, she was living as servant; she next visited Mr. Johnson, marine store dealer, where she obtained some goods in the name of Mrs. Dennis, with whom she also stated she was living as servant; her next call was on Mr. Harffey, confectioner, where she obtained about 5s. worth goods, in a similar manner; she then waited on Messrs. Weeks and Summers, drapers, with an order for goods purporting to come from Mrs. Askew, of Broadbush, but here her career was cut short, for our vigilant superintendent, Mr. Fey, having with his usual tact discovered her movements, walked into the shop, and invited her to accompany him to the station-house, where, upon searching her, two other orders were found upon her person, both purporting to have come from the Rev. J. M. Sumner; one addresed to Mr. Duplock, bookseller, for a bible, common prayer book, and hymn book; the other addressed to Mr. Small, draper, for 16s. worth of clothing. The delinquent was in custody when our report left, and probably ere this has been committed for trial.
Hampshire Chronicle - Saturday 15 December 1855
Committed to the Hants County Prison —Mary Searle, for obtaining goods under false pretence of George Johnson and another, at Petersfield.
(See also