NAVAL OBITUARY.—Captain Crackenthorpe Askew (1822), the 87th on the retired list under the Order in Council of 1846, died on the 17th instant, at Broadbush House, near Petersfield, in the 67th year of his age. This Gallant Officer was a Lieutenant of 1805 and Commander of 1811. He was midshipman of the Vestal in the expedition against Ostend, in 1798; of the Amazon, at Copenhagen, in 1801; and was Lieutenant of the Thalia in the expedition to the Scheldt. By accepting the retirement this respected old sea officer has been in the receipt of 20s. per diem. Had he remained on the active list he would have been the 50th in seniority on the half-pay of 14s. 6d. per diem, without the chance of an increase for, at least, four or five years.

(See also
09 Dec 1848
09 Dec 1848)