PETERSFIELD.]—PETTY SESSIONS.—Before the Hon. J. T. Carnegie (chairman), Sir A. R. Macdonald, Sir J. C. Jervoise, M.P., J. B. Carter, Esq., M.P. and R. Steele, Esq.
— George Hobbs and Thomas Hobbs were brought up on remand, charged with assaulting Mr. Stephen Lillywhite, landlord of the Railway View beershop. The complainant, who exhibited severe injuries about the hand and face, stated that the prisoners were making a disturbance in his house; that, on his endeavouring to restore order, he was knocked down by the prisoners, and when down beat about the head with stones. Several persons came to his assistance, but were also violently assaulted by the prisoners. They were afterwards apprehended in bed by Superintendent Fey, and locked up. Several witnesses were examined in support of the charge, and the prisoners fully committed for trial at the next Assizes.
Portsmouth Times & Naval Gazette - Saturday 05 November 1859
PETERSFIELD PETTY SESSIONS. —Town Hall, Nov. 1st,—Magistrates present —Hon. J. J. CARNEGIE, Sir J. C. JERVOISE, Bart., M.P., J. B. CARTER, Esq., M.P., Sir A. R. MACDONALD, Bart., and R. Steele, Esq.
— THE LATE MURDEROUS ASSAULT—George Hobbs, alias Snail, and Thomas Hobbs, brothers, were brought up under remand by Superintendent Fey, charged with violently assaulting Stephen Lillywhite, and others. The case being clearly proved, they were committed to Winchester gaol, to take their trial at the sessions. George Hobbs enquired of the Bench if bail would be allowed, and upon being informed that it would, himself in £50, and sureties in £25 each, he turned to the audience, and enquired ‟if any gentleman would come forward,” but no one answering the appeal, they were conducted back to their cells preparatory to removal. It is to be hoped that this may be a warning to some of their ‟pals,” who are still about here, and who have been notorious for a long time past in clubbing together for public house and beer shop rows.
(See also